Why are Food Allergies on the Rise?

Based on my research, the rise in food allergies is likely due to a number of factors that are mostly the result of an increasingly wealthy, sophisticated, modern Western society. In other words, First World Problems.  Researchers are trying to discover why food...

Can Natural Medicines Effectively Treat Hay Fever?

According to the Mayo Clinic, hay fever signs and symptoms can include: •    Runny nose and nasal congestion •    Watery, itchy, red eyes (allergic conjunctivitis) •    Sneezing •    Cough •    Itchy nose, roof of mouth or throat •    Swollen, blue-colored skin under...

Is Homeopathy Scientific?

The most common assertion made by skeptics of homeopathy is that since homeopathic remedies are highly diluted and do not have any biochemical content, they cannot possibly be effective… And, that they are simply sugar pills that work only by means of placebo. In...

Epidemic Mucous/Sinusitis Returns

(Note that the following information is solely based on my personal findings and do not necessarily reflect a complete picture of what is presently going on in all the medical clinics in the area. If you suffer from sinusitis/cough symptoms, you must be seen by a...

How to Maximize the Effectiveness of Homeopathic Remedies

There are various ways of helping maximize the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies. The following are the most common techniques I have discovered over the years which I recommend you take note of if you use homeopathic remedies at all: Always take homeopathic...

Protecting Yourself in a Chemically Driven World

Dear patients, The following blog is extracted from an article by Dr. Mercola titled “The Chemicals Behind the Shrinking of Boy’s Genitals”. I encourage you to educate yourself on the subject of environmental toxicity and its impact on your health...

Healing Skin Conditions Without Pharmaceutical Drugs/Creams

By far the majority of skin conditions are caused by either poor diet and/or poor internal organ health. The main exceptions are skin conditions that are caused by direct contact to irritating substances (such as poison ivy), hazardous substances (such as various...