Protecting Yourself in a Chemically Driven World

Dear patients, The following blog is extracted from an article by Dr. Mercola titled “The Chemicals Behind the Shrinking of Boy’s Genitals”. I encourage you to educate yourself on the subject of environmental toxicity and its impact on your health...

Healing Skin Conditions Without Pharmaceutical Drugs/Creams

By far the majority of skin conditions are caused by either poor diet and/or poor internal organ health. The main exceptions are skin conditions that are caused by direct contact to irritating substances (such as poison ivy), hazardous substances (such as various...

Homeopathy Can Help Prevent Societal Atrocities

In light of the extremely sad and heartbreaking news of the recent school shooting in Connecticut, I would like to write a brief note about how homeopathy may be of help in preventing such unbelievable atrocities in the world. In homeopathy, there are people with a...