How serious is constipation after all?

The answer to this question depends on what type of health care practitioner you ask, conventional or alternative? Conventional medical practitioners do not consider constipation a serious condition unless it is causing severe intestinal blockage/obstruction and pain;...

EFT (or “tapping”) can cure food cravings…

EFT is a powerful new discovery that combines two well established sciences so you can benefit from both at the same time: 1. Mind Body Medicine 2. Acupuncture (without needles) In essence, EFT is an emotional version of acupuncture wherein we stimulate certain...

What is missing in most patients’ natural prescriptions?

I write this blog with mixed feelings. I believe alternative medical practitioners of all kinds (including NDs) give wonderful service often in their practices. However, unfortunately, it’s not too uncommon for me to see a patient who has been seen by other...

What we eat is our chemotherapy three times a day

I highly recommend that you watch Dr. William Li’s video on cancer and obesity as it will make you a believer in eating more fresh fruits and vegetables with EACH meal. Dr. Li, MD, suggests that “what we eat is our chemotherapy three times a day.” For a medical doctor...

Eating an apple a day can no longer keep the doctor away

“Eating an apple a day can no longer keep the doctor away” (from the book Radical Medicine by Louisa Williams, ND). Perhaps eating an apple a day is no longer sufficient in maintaining good health because there is (a derivative of) nerve gas on the apple...

Useful websites for cosmetic-related inquiries

May 26, 2010 Hopefully you have read or watched Dr. Mercola’s interview with Dr. Samuel Epstein. Dr. Epstein is a professor emeritus of occupational and environment medicine at the University of Illinois in Chicago, and is an expert on toxins. He is also the...