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Have you ever been emotionally traumatized? Are you haunted by traumatic memories and feel trapped in the past? Do you feel like you cannot move past your past and live your life fully?
Are you tired of living with flashbacks of painful memories from your past that are ruining the quality of your life now, your marriage, and your other relationships?
Do you find yourself avoiding situations that bring back memories of the trauma?
Are you stuck on thoughts about death, dying, and destruction?
Have you lost your fabric of safety, your sense of belonging to your family or community or the human race?
Do you live with nightmares or night terrors?
Do you find yourself constantly fighting unseen dangers or are you told by your loved ones that that is what they find you doing all the time?
Do you act violently sometimes or have a violent nature and continue to traumatize others and yourself with violence?
Do you freak out in crisis situations?
Do you feel a sort of existential helplessness?
Are you worried, or do you panic that you might have panic attacks haunting you again and again in the future?
Do you ever experience panic attacks?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you most likely have PTSD (or post-traumatic stress disorder) and/or suffer from panic attacks. Unfortunately, there are countless numbers of people in our world who knowingly or unknowingly suffer from PTSD. In my experience treating patients for close to 20 years now, I have had the honor of helping hundreds of patients with psycho-emotional complaints of various kinds. Through this experience, I’ve found that most people have been traumatized in some way or another. The question is, to what extent?

Can You Recover and Heal from Emotional Trauma, PTSD, and Panic Attacks?
The answer is YES! Alternative therapies including homeopathy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), herbs, and nutrients can often profoundly help even more significant psycho-emotional complaints such as PTSD and/or panic attacks. YOU CAN INDEED REWIRE YOUR BRAIN and get past a traumatized and fear-driven mind.

Over the years, I have had the honor of serving a large number of emotionally traumatized patients in my practice. The list of my traumatized patients includes but is not limited to many VETERANS (note: 16.8 US Vets commit suicide daily), victims of violent abuse of different types (including physical, mental, emotional, and sexual), and victims of natural disasters. Some of these patients were using pharmaceutical anti-depressants. They had also been receiving psychotherapy for years and yet continued to suffer from the horrible, life-altering, and often disabling effects of emotional trauma, including panic attacks. I truly enjoy helping patients with complaints of PTSD and/or panic attacks since I find that natural therapies and natural approaches to emotional healing nearly always make a significant positive impact on the lives of such individuals. As a result, in 2014, I decided to share some of my findings in the field of Homeopathic Psychiatry at our national annual naturopathic convention in Arizona. (On our website, you can find the video of this talk as well as testimonial videos of patients with psychological disorders of various kinds plus an entire page dedicated to success stories some of my PTSD patients were happy to share with us all:

Might we as a species now and/or later on be dealing with “collective trauma” due to all the different ways this pandemic has and continues to affect us daily- witnessing the loss of so many of our fellow human beings, possibly the loss of our loved ones, the lockdown, the isolation, the wearing masks and not being able to breathe properly for hours at a time, the change in our social activities, no schools for our children, the negative economical impact of the pandemic on our own lives and on the lives of our friends/family, etc.? Sadly but understandably so, I hardly see anyone who seems content and happy these days. Most people sound emotionally drained, frustrated, mad, angry, confused, sad, overwhelmed, scared, and sometimes even literally emotionally traumatized by the pandemic and all its ramifications. I believe we will be seeing countless numbers of emotionally traumatized people in the future. According to an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine titled “Mental Health and the Covid-19 Pandemic”, “the Covid-19 pandemic has alarming implications for individual and collective health and emotional and social functioning.”

According to an article written by Dr. Daniel Amen, MD (a clinical neuroscientist and psychiatrist) a few months ago, the next wave of the pandemic is PTSD. He spoke about people who are at risk for PTSD: Covid-19 survivors, people who have lost a loved one, healthcare workers, and people with a history of trauma or other mental health issues. Factors that could be causing a huge wave of PTSD coming up include: The prospects of catching COVID-19 (especially when people hear of the horrible stats in the news worldwide), high unemployment rates, no schools, and parents having to stay home and watch their kids and lose their jobs.

These are challenging times indeed, challenging on all levels, psychologically, emotionally, physically, spiritually, economically, politically, atmospherically, etc. Therefore, if you are not feeling at your best emotionally, you are not ALONE! Please seek help from doctors, be it MDs or NDs, chiropractors, acupuncturists, therapists, or other health care professionals that you may see.

Facts About How Common PTSD Is:
According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the following statistics are based on the U.S. population:

• About 7 or 8 out of every 100 people (or 7-8% of the population) will have PTSD at some point in their lives.
• About 8 million adults have PTSD during a given year. This is only a small portion of those who have gone through trauma.
• About 10 of every 100 women (or 10%) develop PTSD sometime in their lives compared with about 4 of every 100 men (or 4%).

Signs and Symptoms of PTSD:
Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is a condition that can occur after a person has experienced a traumatic event involving intense fear and threat of bodily injury or death. Examples include military combat, sexual assault, or natural disasters. Whether the threat of harm or death is real or not, that is immaterial. In other words, even if the threat is simply based on the person’s imagination and/or perception, that is sufficient to cause PTSD. Furthermore, the person may not have experienced the event firsthand. Witnessing a traumatic stressor, such as the accidental death of a person can bring about the symptoms of PTSD. PTSD can also occur when a person has heard about the details of another person’s exposure to trauma. People with PTSD often suffer from co-occurring anxiety-related disorders, depression, and substance abuse issues.

According to Dr. Daniel Amen, MD: “Common symptoms include anxiety, distressing memories and flashbacks, nightmares, trouble sleeping, hypervigilance, being easily startled, and difficulties concentrating. Avoiding people, places, or things that are reminders of the trauma is also common among those with PTSD. Sadly, PTSD also makes people more likely to have suicidal thoughts and behaviors.”

Emotional trauma can have a short or long-lasting effect on us. We all experience trauma, but when the impact of trauma stick and the symptoms secondary to trauma don’t let up over time, we are talking PTSD.

According to the psychiatrist Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD, a traumatized mind has faulty alarm systems. A traumatized brain is a brain that specializes in managing feelings of fear and abandonment. Such a brain suppresses the inner chaos at the expense of spontaneous involvement in life. Frantic arousal and responding to a minor irritation as if one is going to be annihilated, constantly fighting unseen dangers, and going into a frenzy every time something happens that triggers the past memories are ALL various manifestations of emotional trauma. Needless to say, such events can cause intense disruption in a person’s life.

An emotionally traumatized person is stuck in survival mode, constantly fighting off unseen enemies leaving no room for nurture, care and love. Therefore, a traumatized person is often unable to connect and to feel intimate with others and is consequently unable to develop deep and meaningful relationships even if they have a large social network. Sometimes such individuals are unable to feel and demonstrate empathy towards others due to their own disconnectedness. Consequently, I believe in some cases, emotional trauma can have such deeply devastating effects on a person that it can cause an otherwise empathetic person to be misdiagnosed with psychopathy. A traumatized person needs to learn how to turn off their natural vigilance. And, the consequence of turning off this natural vigilance is that the person can experience emotional intimacy with others once again. Restoring the sense of physical safety is a key ingredient in the recipe for recovery from emotional trauma.

Various Potential Causes of PTSD:
Some potential causes of PTSD include: traumas in the womb, birth traumas, traumas in our childhood and adulthood (including epidemic and pandemic diseases, military combat, sexual assault, natural disasters, climate change, terrorist attacks, domestic violence, rape, loss of a loved one, loss of income, and other intense and frightening incidents). We can even carry trauma from one generation to another. INDIRECT TRAUMA CAN ALSO PRODUCE PSYCHOLOGICAL SCARS TOO! You don’t even have to directly experience violence and trauma to be traumatized. It could be indirect.

It’s important to note that emotional trauma can also arise from fears of FUTURE threats, giving rise to “PRE-traumatic stress” (versus POST-traumatic stress). According to a PubMed study (, “PTSD or Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is a diagnosis related to the past. Pre-traumatic stress reactions, as measured by intrusive involuntary images of possible future stressful events and their associated avoidance and increased arousal, have been overlooked in the PTSD literature.”

Two Distinctly Different Presentations of PTSD:
According to the psychiatrist Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD, if you are suffering from PTSD, you can be stuck in one of two possible states:
1) Fight or flight (panicky) OR
2) Chronic shut down
Emotional trauma leaves an IMPRINT on our mind (mostly subconscious mind) AND on our physical body. THIS IS PRECISELY WHY WE NEED TO ENGAGE THE BODY TOO IN ANY PTSD/TRAUMA TREATMENT PROTOCOL!

PTSD Diagnosis Is Often Missed:
Based on research and my own experience with PTSD patients, it’s evident that most PTSD patients are not properly diagnosed sometimes for years- They often fall through the cracks. Why you might ask? PTSD is OFTEN misdiagnosed due to many reasons. One reason for this is that some of the symptoms overlap with other conditions such as anxiety, depression, or even TBI (i.e., traumatic brain injury). To make things more complicated, brain imaging (such as MRI and CT) for PTSD patients is often normal. To arrive at a PTSD diagnosis, sometimes a thorough and detailed history is needed, which requires time and dedication on the part of the practitioner. These are commodities that are unfortunately not abundantly present in our health care system.

Acute Stress Disorder and Different Forms of PTSD:
If the effect of emotional trauma lasts less than, say, a month, that is NOT by definition PTSD. If the symptoms last for more than two days but less than a month, we call that “Acute Stress Disorder.” Otherwise, it could be Acute PTSD or Delayed-onset PTSD, or Chronic PTSD. Chronic PTSD is where the symptoms last for more than 90 days.

What About Complex PTSD?
According to Dr. Daniel Amen, MD, “Complex PTSD is somewhat different in that it usually evolves from prolonged trauma that goes on for months or years and from which escape (or rescue) seems impossible. Childhood sexual, emotional, and physical abuse, as well as neglect and related maltreatment, are among the more common causes of CPTSD.

PTSD can develop after a single traumatic event that is life-threatening. Complex PTSD is somewhat different in that it usually evolves from prolonged trauma that goes on for months or years.

This condition may also be diagnosed in people who have survived other types of horrific situations, such as having been: A prisoner of war, subjected to torture, kidnapped, living in a war-torn area, a victim of human trafficking, and abused by a domestic partner over an extended period of time.” (For more information, refer to

Complex PTSD vs. Borderline Personality Disorder:
According to Dr. Daniel Amen, MD, “from a clinical perspective, there are some similarities between complex PTSD and borderline personality disorder (BPD), particularly with regard to emotional stability, and so a person may get diagnosed with PTSD plus BPD. However, as explained in a 2020 article published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, people with BPD have a fluctuating (good/bad) perception of themselves, whereas, with CPTSD, self-perception is typically only negative. Also, those with CPTSD tend to avoid relationships or have a difficult time maintaining them, while those with borderline personality tend to jump into relationships quickly and create a lot of instability with their partners.”

PTSD & Addiction / Substance Abuse:
According to the Addiction Center, “PTSD changes brain chemistry in much the same way substance abuse and addiction do. Often, these disorders form at the same time and feed off one another. The same trauma that caused PTSD can also trigger a substance use disorder. Following a traumatic experience, the brain produces fewer endorphins, one of the chemicals that help us feel happy. People with PTSD may turn to alcohol and other mood-enhancing drugs, which increase endorphin levels. Over time, they may come to rely on drugs to relieve all of their feelings of depression, anxiety and irritability. Nearly three-quarters of those surviving violent or abusive trauma report alcohol use disorders.

People with PTSD are more prone to violent outbursts and panic attacks, which can be difficult for family and friends to witness. Feelings of guilt over these outbursts can drive those with PTSD to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol. Continued use of alcohol or other drugs in this way can lead to an addiction.” (

According to PTSD Alliance, 30-40% of those with PTSD also suffer from addiction. PTSD and substance abuse result in problems with trust, closeness, communication, and problem-solving, which may affect the way those who suffer act with loved ones.

What About Panic Disorder and PTSD? What is the Difference and How Are They Related?
It is not uncommon for a person with PTSD to also be diagnosed with panic disorder. However, each condition has its own set of symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and treatment options. The differences between panic disorder and PTSD can be determined by considering several factors.

PTSD involves:
• Intrusive thoughts and nightmares
• Hyperarousal and trouble concentrating
• Panic attacks brought on by re-experiencing the trauma
• Avoidance of trauma reminders

Panic Disorder, on the other hand, involves:
• Trembling, shaking, and trouble breathing
• Sudden, spontaneous panic attacks
• Avoidance of panic attack triggers
• May develop agoraphobia

Panic attacks are a feeling of intense fear without the presence of actual danger. Panic attacks are often experienced with physical sensations, such as heart palpitations, SOB, hot flashes, dizziness, nausea, and trembling.

A person with PTSD can experience the physical sensations of panic attacks. However, these attacks are brought on by re-experiencing the traumatic event through such outlets as dreams, thoughts, and flashbacks. Hyperarousal symptoms present in PTSD, such as becoming panicked after hearing a loud noise, can also cause panic attacks.

What Is the Difference Between Anxiety Versus Panic Attacks?
Anxiety, in many cases, may have its roots in a person’s mind. However, panic attacks are definitely more of a medical matter- the body is NOW involved TOO! It’s noteworthy that the fact that the body is also involved in panic attacks is precisely why counseling or talk therapy, in my experience, is not able to sufficiently help panic attack sufferers. To truly help panic attack sufferers, the body and mind both need healing simultaneously. Note that this is true for PTSD as well.

IT’S DISHEARETNING TO LEARN THAT “STANDARD OF CARE” CONVENTIONAL TREATMENTS FOR PTSD OFTEN DO NOT WORK! They are mostly focused on “coping” strategies versus truly healing the roots of PTSD in the body/mind.

If you suffer from PTSD and a history of emotional trauma, you should know that with proper treatment, you CAN regain control of your body and rewire your brain circuitry so that you can live a joyous, fulfilling, and happy life. Each person needs a tailored approach to bring about deep relief from PTSD. There is much research and interventions, and theories on emotional trauma and how to recover from it. Specialists in the field suggest various approaches to help deal with PTSD and trauma. Most of such therapies focus on social coping strategies, including finding supportive connections, spending time with people, or requesting flexible hours at work from your employer. There are also emotional and physical coping strategies such as mindfulness, exercise, counseling, journaling, etc. Many alternative medical practitioners believe that you can do better than just to learn how to “cope” with PTSD’s horrible consequences on your health and on your life.

Let’s talk about conventional therapy techniques first. These include psychotropic medications and/or various types of psychotherapy. Note that there are no drugs for “PTSD.”

Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD, has written a classic book on the subject of emotional trauma called “The Body Keeps the Score.” He does a phenomenal job of discussing the various therapies for emotional trauma that have proven to be effective. He does not discuss pharmaceutical medications or natural medicines in his book. In fact, none of his therapies involve medications of any type.

According to the psychiatrist, Dr. Edward Shalts, MD, “while certain types of psychotherapy have been consistently shown to be effective in the treatment of PTSD, evidence for the effectiveness of psychotropic medications has been at best inconclusive.” In fact, the medications are thought to ONLY MASK symptoms. I would like to point out, however, that “although there are no pharmaceutical medications that have been specifically designed to treat PTSD, there are a variety of well-established medications (such as SSRIs- selective serotonin reupdate inhibitors or SNRIs – serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) currently used to treat other psychiatric conditions such as mood and anxiety disorders that have been found to be helpful in MANAGING PTSD symptoms.” NOTE: These drugs do NOT directly treat PTSD, just the ramifications of it. (

Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) Therapy has been used to help victims of PTSD. SGB involves injecting local anesthetic around the stellate ganglion which is a bundle of nerves in the lower part of the neck. SGB can help reset these nerves that are thought to be stuck in fight-or-flight response. Regardless of the effectiveness of this treatment, it sounds extremely invasive and, as such, it clearly carries potential risks.

While conventional psychotherapy certainly does offer help to patients with a myriad of mental/emotional issues, it, unfortunately, provides rather painfully slow progress and is sometimes simply ineffective, when it comes to treating PTSD and/or panic attacks. For example, I have seen countless veterans in my practice who had been receiving counseling for years but unfortunately continued to struggle with the daily effects of flashbacks from the war and the consequent panic attacks. It’s not too uncommon for me to encounter veterans in my practice who used to make multiple trips to emergency rooms on a weekly or monthly basis during their disabling panic attacks prior to seeing me. So far, with no exceptions, all of my veteran patients have responded very favorably to alternative medical therapies- see below for more information and refer to the PTSD page on our website for patient testimonials.

WE NEED A PARADIGM SHIFT IN THE WAY WE CARE FOR PATIENTS WITH SEVERE MENTAL/EMOTIONAL DISORDERS, INCLUDING PTSD and/or panic attacks. Specifically, we NEED TO incorporate the BODY into our treatment approaches for mental/emotional problems such as PTSD and/or panic attacks. I am talking about mind-body medicine here, NOT mental health care by itself. The brain sits on top of a body, and so you can bet the body affects the mind (and vice versa), and it turns out that the body actually keeps track of emotional trauma. The body is where you FEEL your emotions. What your mind THINKS about, your body EXPERIENCES! Your body is your unconscious mind.

Let’s discuss alternative treatments for PTSD and emotional trauma. The most well-known ones of these therapies include mostly BODY-ORIENTED therapies such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), yoga, & neurofeedback.

Many psychiatrists tell us that our body is our unconscious mind. I couldn’t agree with this statement more. Our emotions get stuck in our entire body, not just in our brain. That is why in order to truly help patients with PTSD and heal the long-term effects of emotional trauma, we need body-oriented therapies such as EMDR and EFT. Using these hands-on body-oriented therapies, we get to recondition the body to a new mind.

EFT, an Indispensable Tool for Helping People Who Live With PTSD:
In my practice, I offer EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to most, if not all, of my emotionally traumatized patients. Our patients consider EFT to be an indispensable tool in their recovery from PTSD and/or panic attacks. Refer to the Testimonials for EFT page on our website for more information on this amazing therapy:

PTSD & Homeopathy:
Another powerful and arguably indispensable alternative therapy that you do not hear about for helping with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), pre-traumatic stress, and panic attacks is homeopathy which happens to be my specialty. I have written blogs and articles, as well as given talks, on the subject of homeopathic Psychiatry and Psychology, all of which you can find on my website,

Addressing a person’s mental/emotional state is an integral part of homeopathic philosophy/approach since homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine. Selecting a homeopathic medicine or remedy for a patient with ANY problem typically involves identifying the patient’s underlying emotional state. For instance, patients that need the remedy Bryonia tend to be angry or moody and prefer to be left alone; whereas patients who need the remedy Pulsatilla crave attention and would rather be in the company of others.

Homeopaths often end up “counseling” their patients, so it’s not too uncommon for me to have patients returning to our office for “homeopathic counseling.” Naturopathic physicians’ licensure does cover psychological counseling, and we often do offer basic psychological counseling to our patients. A typical homeopathic intake by itself, however, can sometimes feel like a counseling session since we definitely discuss our patients’ mental/emotional state rather deeply in order to come up with the most appropriate remedy for them regardless of their condition, even if the complaint(s) is (are) a physical one(s).

In homeopathy, it’s believed that mental/emotional maladies are just energy blockages in our system, some superficial and some deep. Homeopathic remedies are thought to remove ENERGY BLOCKAGES and thus can help unstuck us from the dysfunctional energetic patterns we are entrenched in.

What can you expect from taking a homeopathic remedy? Homeopathic remedies bypass the conscious mind and directly touch the subconscious mind. The person’s thoughts and emotions can often get healed rapidly without the long and arduous hard work of talk therapy and without experiencing any possible side effects to pharmaceutical medications. I usually find that feeling calmer and more peaceful is the patient’s first reaction to taking a homeopathic remedy. Then, the patient might experience an energy lift. Lastly, the patient will start experiencing improvements in regard to their physical symptoms. In other words, as a rule, homeopathic remedies usually improve our emotions BEFORE our physical symptoms begin to improve. All of these reactions can take place in minutes and sometimes in days or even weeks, depending on a number of variables, whose discussion is beyond the scope of this blog. Note that there are times when the patient will report feeling better emotionally and physically simultaneously. When we take the proper homeopathic remedy that matches our physical/emotional state, we can most definitely expect the remedy to have at least a discernable positive impact on our mental/emotional as well as physical state.

There are two distinct methods of prescribing homeopathic remedies- “Constitutional” prescribing versus “acute” prescribing. In constitutional prescribing, the goal is to find a remedy that matches the person’s physical as well as mental/emotional symptoms. In acute prescribing, on the other hand, the goal is to find a remedy that can address the person’s most distressing symptom (be it physical, mental, or emotional), NOT every symptom.

To help patients with a history of emotional trauma, we often engage in acute prescribing versus constitutional prescribing. There are numerous remedies that are highly effective for treating PTSD and emotional trauma in general. Note that it often takes years of extensive training and experience in homeopathy to be able to pick the most effective remedy for a patient, be it for physical and/or emotional complaints.

It may be surprising to many of you to hear that, as a rule, treating any form of PTSD and/or panic attacks using homeopathic remedies is much more simple (and of course rewarding) for a homeopathic practitioner than treating your “run of the mill” psycho-emotional complaints including depression or generalized anxiety. I jokingly tell my PTSD patients that God has created homeopathy for the treatment of PTSD & emotional trauma.

Taking a case homeopathically can be challenging and may require hard work on the part of the practitioner as well as the patient. UNDERSTANDING THE PATIENT IS the key to finding the correct remedy. There is usually a unique discernable psycho-emotional/behavioral/energetic pattern that each emotionally traumatized patient experiences. In fact, many people could experience the SAME emotionally traumatic event, but each one could end up in a UNIQUE dysfunctional psychological (and physical) “state” requiring a UNIQUE remedy to reverse/heal that state. In other words, based on YOUR particular RESPONSE, you could benefit from a unique remedy. For example, let’s look at two different ways of experiencing grief/loss and how we might treat each case differently homeopathically: If you are experiencing grief as a result of receiving (versus witnessing) heart-breaking news, you may require the remedy Ignatia. On the other hand, if you are experiencing disabling grief/shock due to witnessing a child get run over by a car right in front of you, you will likely require the remedy Arnica, which is an excellent remedy for grief brought on by severe shock. (Note: The selection of the remedy is definitely a complicated process and requires an extensive visit with a homeopathic practitioner.)

Can You Use Homeopathic Remedies AND Pharmaceutical Medications Concurrently?
The answer is “of course yes”! Since homeopathic remedies function on an energetic level, they do NOT interfere with chemicals. If anything, they work very well with pharmaceutical drugs. Many of our patients who are on pharmaceutical drugs for their mental/emotional concerns also take homeopathic remedies and feel even better yet when they add the homeopathic remedy to their treatment plan.

How About Doing Homeopathy AND Psychotherapy Concurrently? Can You Do That?
The answer is “Of course yes”! I am pleased to say that a number of psychotherapists in the area where I practice refer their clients to me to receive supportive natural therapies for trauma, including homeopathic care. Homeopathic remedies can facilitate our mental/emotional healing journey by 1) Creating an emotional SHIFT at a very deep conscious and mostly subconscious level as well as 2) Gently pushing stuffed-up emotions OUT!

Do Homeopathic Remedies Create Dependency?
It’s a relief to many of our patients to learn that homeopathic remedies do not create dependency- you can stop taking them at any time, and you will not go through any kind of withdrawal.

Get Your Life Back!
If you suffer from POST-traumatic stress disorder, PRE-traumatic stress, panic attacks, or emotional trauma of any kind, you should know that there is help for you out there! You may ALWAYS remember the traumatizing event, but you do NOT have to feel the effects of the trauma on your mind and in your body AT ALL with proper care. To experience joy again and live a harmonious and full-filling life, you need to be proactive and take control of your mental/emotional/physical health NOW!

National Helplines for PTSD:
• National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
• Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Admin Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
• Crisis Text Line: Text CONNECT to 741741
• Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
• National Veterans Foundation Hotline: 1-888-777-4443
• Gulf War Veterans Hotline: 1-800-796-9699
• National Alliance on Mental Illness Helpline: 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)