May 25, 2010
For a number of years now, I have been offering my patients their constitutional homeopathic remedy in the office while I do EFT (Meridian Tapping) on them at the same time. I have found that the concurrent use of both of these therapies is an extremely effective tool in alleviating depression, anxiety, anger, food cravings, and other mood disorders. One of these therapies by itself can be highly efficacious, let alone the combination during the same visit.
I offer the concurrent use of both constitutional homeopathy and EFT to at least one or two patients a day with mood disorders of various types. Furthermore, I would say that in almost all cases, the patients are significantly helped by this combination approach. For example, I had a patient today whose chief complaint was uncontrollable anger. Her constitutional homeopathic remedy significantly helps her with anger except that she cannot stop drinking coffee which she knows can antidote her homeopathic remedy! Therefore, today I did EFT (tapping) on her to eliminate her craving for coffee, and had her take her homeopathic remedy at the same time while I was tapping the acupressure points to help with food cravings. She felt much calmer and happier by the end of the visit, and later on during the day let me know (by phone) how grateful she felt since she was feeling so much more balanced emotionally. I am almost certain her craving for coffee will be entirely alleviated for at least a few weeks at which time she can repeat the EFT. Typically, after two months of not consuming a certain food/drink, you will likely not crave that food/drink any longer.
Counselors are starting to pick up on the fact that EFT can be an indispensable tool during their sessions. Most homeopaths, on the other hand, have not caught onto EFT yet. I wished both counselors and homeopaths understood the wonderful (in some cases, life-saving) benefits of combining these two powerful energetic tools in their practices in order to help their patients.
Please do a SEARCH on homeopathy, EFT, or combination of “Homeopathy and EFT” on our website for more information on all the above. Additionally, note that you can watch a number of patient testimonial videos on both subjects on our website.
Dr. Sharif