What I Wish Gastroenterologists Would Recognize…

Note: The therapies suggested below are not intended to replace medical advice from your naturopathic doctor. They are meant to be educational only. SUMMARY OF THE BLOG: There are seven ideas and/or therapies that I wish gastroenterologists (digestive system doctors)...

Biotherapeutic Drainage Versus Detoxification?

What kinds of detoxification programs do we offer at Whole Health Clinic? At Whole Health Clinic, we specialize in detoxification/cleansing as well as classical homeopathy. When it comes to detox/cleansing programs, there are numerous therapies available to you,...

The Part Can Never Be Well Unless the Whole is Well

According to Plato, “The cause of many diseases is unknown to the physicians of Hellas because they are ignorant of the whole. For the part can never be well unless the whole is well. This … is the great error of our day in the treatment of the human body.” “THE GREAT...

Flower Essences and Homeopathic Remedies… How They Differ

Homeopathic remedies and flower essences are two of the most subtle and gentle of all the natural therapies. Today a patient asked me how flower essences and homeopathic remedies differ in their effects on our beings. In order to answer this question I have to address...

OBESITY- What are the most common causes & treatments for obesity?

1) Regular exercise and proper diet are the two most well-known considerations for losing weight. In addition to the above, I also make other suggestions to help my patients lose weight. One such recommendation is to make sure they are doing their best to keep the...